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App Media & Entertainment Privacy Policy

We collect information from you in order to provide better service and a better user experience. Your privacy is a top priority to us, and this Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information.

When you use App Media & Entertainment Mobile applications on Android, This Privacy Policy describes the information collected by App Media & Entertainment through our mobile applications and how we use that information. Our Product Category varies like “Video, Photography, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Tools, Utility & Productivity, Personalization and Finance”. These all apps are class Apps we created is only for User Entertainment purpose.

What kind of Information that we collect:

Information that we get about you from other services Such as Google Analytics, Flurry, Google Play and others. This information includes:
-Device information - Device-specific information such as your hardware model and operating system version. We DO NOT collect any of your unique identification.
-Unique application numbers - Certain services include a unique application number. This number and information about your installation (for example, the operating system type and application version number)
-Anonymous identifiers - we use anonymous identifiers when you interact with services such as advertising services and others.

Personal Information:
We DO NOT collect, store or use any personal information while you visit, download or upgrade our products.  We may use personal information submitted by you only for the following purposes: help us develop, deliver, and improve our products and services and supply higher quality service; manage online surveys and other activities you’ve participated in.  In the following circumstances, we may disclose your personal information according to your wish or regulations by law:
- Your prior permission;
- By the applicable law within or outside your country of residence, legal process, litigation requests;
- By requests from public and governmental authorities;
- To protect our legal rights and interests.

Non- Personal Information:
We may collect and use non-personal information in the following circumstances: To have a better understanding in user’s behavior, to solve problems in products and services, improve our products, services and advertising. We may collect non-personal information such as installed application name and package name, Installed data, frequency of use, country, equipment and channel. If non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent.

We automatically collect certain information through the use of "cookies". Cookies are small data files that are stored on your hard drive by a Web site. We use cookies to collect information about your device, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report information to our branded partners.

We may store some information on your computer when you visit the website. This information facilitates your use of the website, personalizes your experience and helps us to remember your preferences. The information stored in a cookie provides features that recognize your account as logged on and other Site features. We do not have any control over cookies which our advertisers or branded partners may use on the website.

The technology that we use and the policies that we have implemented are intended to safeguard your privacy from unauthorized access and improper use. We will continue to update these measures as new technology becomes available. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security measures. If you use a password on our Services, you are responsible for keeping it confidential. Do not share it with any other person. If you believe your password has been misused or your account compromised, please advise us immediately.

How We Use Your Personal Information
We use personal information collected through the Services:
1. To communicate with you or third parties;
2. To process your requests and transactions;
3. To improve the Services;
4. To customize the services and/or products we provide to you;
5. To assist with our product and service development;
6. To perform marketing activities;
7. To provide relevant advertising; and
8. For other purposes related to our business.

Modifying Your Information - Opt-Out / Opt-In
We respect your right to make choices about the ways we collect, use and disclose your personal information. You may update or modify your information or change your privacy preferences at any time via our Services. You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from us, including, but not limited to, promotional emails, by clicking a special unsubscribe link in the e-mail or other Content from us. Transactional service communications (such as messages about your registration) are not subject to the foregoing opt-out procedures.

Links, Hosted Sites & Advertisers
We do not have any control over the privacy practices of any external websites linked from the Site or Mobile (or any of the websites that are hosted on our server and aren't affiliated with us). Therefore, you should review their privacy policies separately from ours and know that we in no way have any control over their practices. Third party advertisers may collect certain information that is available to them through your interaction with their advertisements. App Media & Entertainment Developer has no control or knowledge as to their practices and it is suggested that you read their privacy policy separately before clicking on any advertisements.

Children Under 13
Our Services are not designed for children under 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will delete such information from our systems.

Advertisement in App:
We use Google Admob and Facebook Audience Network SDK also few other company’s SDK for advertisements in our applications. There could be errors in the programming and sometime programming errors may cause unwanted side effects. Also Facebook Ads Privacy Policy Click and jump to:

App Media & Entertainment is very concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information Please be aware that no security measures that we take to protect your information is absolutely guaranteed to avoid unauthorized access or use of your Non-Personal Information which is impenetrable. We haven't any Intention to Copy or use Others Product use and Access in company’s Application.

In Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time, we will post any privacy policy changes on this page, so please review it periodically. We may provide you additional forms of notice of modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances.

Our Company developers continuously work on all various types of apps and We Give Periodic Updates to Solve Problems and Bugs as well as to provide new features all for smooth User Experience.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this Site or your dealings with this site please feel free to contact us at:

Thank You....

Copyright ©2018 App Media & Entertainment - All Rights Reserved


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    1. Em linguística, a noção de texto é ampla e ainda aberta a uma definição mais precisa. Grosso modo, pode ser entendido como manifestação linguística das ideias de um autor, que serão interpretadas pelo leitor de acordo com seus conhecimentos linguísticos e culturais. Seu tamanho é variável.

      “Conjunto de palavras e frases articuladas, escritas sobre qualquer suporte”.[1]

      “Obra escrita considerada na sua redação original e autêntica (por oposição a sumário, tradução, notas, comentários, etc.)”.[2]

      "Um texto é uma ocorrência linguística, escrita ou falada de qualquer extensão, dotada de unidade sociocomunicativa, semântica e formal. É uma unidade de linguagem em uso."[3]

      O interesse pelo texto como objeto de estudo gerou vários trabalhos importantes de teóricos da Linguística Textual, que percorreram fases diversas cujas características principais eram transpor os limites da frase descontextualizada da gramática tradicional e ainda incluir os relevantes papéis do autor e do leitor na construção de textos.

      Um texto pode ser escrito ou oral e, em sentido lato, pode ser também não verbal.

      Texto crítico é uma produção textual que parte de um processo reflexivo e analítico gerando um conteúdo com crítica construtiva e bem fundamentada.

      Em artes gráficas, o texto é a parte verbal, linguística, por oposição às ilustrações.

      Todo texto tem que ter alguns aspectos formais, ou seja, tem que ter estrutura, elementos que estabelecem relação entre si. Dentro dos aspectos formais temos a coesão e a coerência, que dão sentido e forma ao texto. "A coesão textual é a relação, a ligação, a conexão entre as palavras, expressões ou frases do texto”.[4] A coerência está relacionada com a compreensão, a interpretação do que se diz ou escreve. Um texto precisa ter sentido, isto é, precisa ter coerência. Embora a coesão não seja condição suficiente para que enunciados se constituam em textos, são os elementos coesivos que lhes dão maior legibilidade e evidenciam as relações entre seus diversos componentes, a coerência depende da coesão.

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